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【下载文档:  ajax+asp无限级分类树型结构(带数据库).txt 】

IE测试通过,FF有点小BUG Cls_Leibie.asp 复制代码 代码如下:<% '数据库字段为类属性,添加、删除、修改、操作检查等函数为类的方法 Class Cls_Leibie Private nClassID,sClassName,nParentID,sParentPath,nDepth,nRootID,nChild,nOrderID,sFilePath '定义私有变量(类的属性,即数据库字段对应的变量) Private rs,sql,ErrorStr Private Sub Class_Initialize() ErrorStr="" '初始化错误信息为空 End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate() '销毁类时关闭数据库连接 If IsObject(Conn) Then Conn.Close Set Conn = Nothing End If End Sub '*******************设置各个属性****************************************************** Public Property Let ClassID(str) '获取类别ID(主键) nClassID=str call ClassProperty() '获取类别ID时调用此函数读出类的所有属性 End Property Public Property Let ClassName(str) '获取类别名称 sClassName=str End Property Public Property Get ClassName ClassName=sClassName End Property Public Property Let ParentID(str) '获取类别父ID nParentID=str End Property Public Property Get ParentID ParentID=nParentID End Property Public Property Let ParentPath(str) '获取父路径ID sParentPath=str End Property Public Property Get ParentPath ParentPath=sParentPath End Property Public Property Let Depth(str) '获取类别深度 nDepth=str End Property Public Property Get Depth Depth=nDepth End Property Public Property Let RootID(str) '获取类别根ID nRootID=str End Property Public Property Get RootID RootID=nRootID End Property Public Property Let Child(str) '子类别个数 nChild=str End Property Public Property Get Child Child=nChild End Property Public Property Let OrderID(str) '排序ID nOrderID=str End Property Public Property Get OrderID OrderID=nOrderID End Property Public Property Let FilePath(str) '类别文件根目录(生成静态文件路径,小站老杨Web技术博客用的是生成静态,故设置此字段) sFilePath=str End Property Public Property Get FilePath FilePath=sFilePath End Property '****************************************************************************** Private Sub ClassProperty() '读取类的所有属性 sql="select * from ArticleClass where ClassID="& nClassID set rs=conn.execute(sql) if not rs.eof then sClassName=trim(rs("ClassName")) nParentID=trim(rs("ParentID")) sParentPath=trim(rs("ParentPath")) nDepth=trim(rs("Depth")) nRootID=trim(rs("RootID")) nChild=trim(rs("Child")) nOrderID=trim(rs("OrderID")) sFilePath=trim(rs("FilePath")) end if set rs=nothing End Sub Public Function FAddCheck() '类别添加检查函数,结果为0表示通过检查,为1表示有错误发生,有错误发生时退出函数,将错误信息写入错误变量ErrorStr dim temprs FAddCheck=0 if sClassName="" then '类名为空 FAddCheck=1 ErrorStr="类名不能为空!" exit Function else if nParentID="" then '父id为空 FAddCheck=1 ErrorStr="父id不能为空!" exit Function else if nParentID<>0 then set temprs=conn.execute("select ClassID From ArticleClass where ClassID=" & nParentID) '父类别不存在 if temprs.eof then FAddCheck=1 ErrorStr="所属类别不存在或已经被删除!" exit Function else sql="select ClassID from ArticleClass where ClassName='"& sClassName &"' and ParentID="& nParentID '类名重复 set rs=conn.execute(sql) if not rs.eof then FAddCheck=1 ErrorStr="类名重复!" exit Function end if set rs=nothing end if set temprs=nothing else sql="select ClassID from ArticleClass where ClassName='"& sClassName &"' and ParentID="& nParentID '类名重复 set rs=conn.execute(sql) if not rs.eof then FAddCheck=1 ErrorStr="类名重复!" exit Function end if set rs=nothing end if end if end if End Function Public Sub SAdd() dim maxClassID,maxRootID set rs = conn.execute("select Max(ClassID) from ArticleClass") '查找当前数据库中最大的类别id,如果没有数据则设置为0,要插入的类别id为当前最大id加1 maxClassID=rs(0) if isnull(maxClassID) then maxClassID=0 end if set rs=nothing nClassID=maxClassID+1 set rs=conn.execute("select max(rootid) From ArticleClass") '查找当前数据库中最大的根id,如果没有数据则设置为0,要插入的根id为当前最大根id加1 maxRootID=rs(0) if isnull(maxRootID) then maxRootID=0 end if nRootID=maxRootID+1 set rs=conn.execute("select RootID,Depth,ParentPath,Child,OrderID From ArticleClass where ClassID=" & nParentID) '查找父类别相应信息 if not rs.eof then nRootID=trim(rs("Rootid")) '根id与父类别根id相同 sParentPath=trim(rs("ParentPath"))& "," &nParentID if cint(trim(nParentID))>0 then '父id大于0则有父类别,故要插入的类别的深度父类别的深度加1,父id不大于0则当前要插入的类别为根类别,则深度为0 nDepth=cint(trim(rs("Depth")))+1 else nDepth=0 end if if cint(trim(rs("Child")))>0 then dim rsPrevOrderID '得到与本栏目同级的最后一个栏目的OrderID set rsPrevOrderID=conn.execute("select Max(OrderID) From ArticleClass where ParentID=" & ParentID) prevOrderID=rsPrevOrderID(0) '得到同一父栏目但比本栏目级数大的子栏目的最大OrderID,如果比前一个值大,则改用这个值。 set rsPrevOrderID=conn.execute("select Max(OrderID) From ArticleClass where ParentPath like '" & ParentPath & ",%'") if (not(rsPrevOrderID.bof and rsPrevOrderID.eof)) then if not IsNull(rsPrevOrderID(0)) then if rsPrevOrderID(0)>prevOrderID then prevOrderID=rsPrevOrderID(0) end if end if end if set rsPrevOrderID=nothing end if nOrderID=prevOrderID+1 else nOrderID=0 sParentPath="0" nDepth=0 end if set rs=nothing nChild=0 sql="insert into ArticleClass (ClassID,ClassName,ParentID,ParentPath,Depth,RootID,Child,OrderID,FilePath) values ("& nClassID &",'"& sClassName &"',"& nParentID &",'"& sParentPath &"',"& nDepth &","& nRootID &","& nChild &","& nOrderID &",'"& sFilePath &"')" conn.execute(sql) if ParentID>0 then '更新其父类的子栏目数 conn.execute("update ArticleClass set child=child+1 where ClassID="& nParentID) '更新该栏目排序以及大于本需要和同在本分类下的栏目排序序号 if prevOrderID<>"" then conn.execute("update ArticleClass set OrderID=OrderID+1 where rootid=" & nRootid & " and OrderID>"& prevOrderID &" and ClassID<>"& nClassID) end if end if End Sub Public Function FEditCheck() '类别修改检查函数,结果为0表示通过检查,为1表示有错误发生,有错误发生时退出函数,将错误信息写入错误变量ErrorStr dim temprs FEditCheck=0 if nClassID="" then '类别id为空 FEditCheck=1 ErrorStr="类别id不能为空!" exit Function else if sClassName="" then '类名为空 FEditCheck=1 ErrorStr="类名不能为空!" exit Function else if nParentID<>0 then set temprs=conn.execute("select ClassID From ArticleClass where ClassID=" & nParentID) '父类别不存在 if temprs.eof then FAddCheck=1 ErrorStr="所属类别不存在或已经被删除!" exit Function else set rs=conn.execute("select ClassID from ArticleClass where ClassName='"& sClassName &"' and ClassID<>"& nClassID &"and ParentID="& nParentID) if not rs.eof then '类名重复 FEditCheck=1 ErrorStr="类名重复!" exit Function end if set rs=nothing end if set temprs=nothing end if end if end if End Function Public Sub SEdit() '类别修改 sql="update ArticleClass set ClassName='"& sClassName &"',FilePath='"& sFilePath &"' where ClassID="& nClassID conn.execute(sql) End Sub Public Function FDeleteCheck() '类别删除检查函数,结果为0表示通过检查,为1表示有错误发生,有错误发生时退出函数,将错误信息写入错误变量ErrorStr FDeleteCheck=0 '这里删除没有写级联删除文章部分的代码,删除时应该级联删除 if nClassID="" then FDeleteCheck=1 ErrorStr="要删除的类别id不能为空!" exit Function else set rs=conn.execute("select Child from ArticleClass where ClassID="& nClassID) if rs.bof and rs.eof then FDeleteCheck=1 ErrorStr="类别不存在或者已经被删除!" exit Function else if trim(rs("Child"))>0 then FDeleteCheck=1 ErrorStr="该类别含有子类别,请删除其子类别后再进行删除本类别的操作!" exit Function end if end if end if End Function Public Sub SDelete() if nDepth>0 then '修改父id孩子数 conn.execute("update ArticleClass set child=child-1 where child>0 and ClassID=" & nParentID) end if sql="delete from ArticleClass where ClassID="& nClassID conn.execute(sql) End Sub Public Function FErrStr() FErrStr=ErrorStr End Function End Class %> index.asp <%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> <% '作者站点 '邮箱 'QQ:514777880 Session.CodePage=65001 Response.Charset = "utf-8" %> <% '显示根目录 sql="select *,(select top 1 ClassID from ArticleClass where Depth=0 order by ClassID desc) as lastid from ArticleClass where Depth=0 order by ClassID" set rs=conn.execute(sql) if not rs.eof then response.Write "
    "&vbcr do while not rs.eof if cint(trim(rs("ClassID")))=cint(trim(rs("lastid"))) then if rs("Child")>0 then response.Write "
  • " response.Write " "& rs("ClassName") &"" else response.Write "
  • " response.Write " "& rs("ClassName") &"" end if else if rs("Child")>0 then response.Write "
  • " response.Write " "& rs("ClassName") &"" else response.Write "
  • " response.Write " "& rs("ClassName") &"" end if end if if cint(trim(rs("ClassID")))=cint(trim(rs("lastid"))) then response.Write "" else response.Write "" end if response.Write "
  • "&vbcr rs.movenext loop response.Write "
"&vbcr end if rs.close set rs=nothing conn.close Set conn = Nothing %> 打包下载地址
