Python的Bottle框架中实现最基本的get和post的方法的教程 1、GET方式: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python # filename: # codedtime: 2014-9-20 19:07:04 import bottle def check_login(username, password): if username == '123' and password == '234': return True else: return False @bottle.route('/login') def login(): if bottle.request.GET.get('do_submit','').strip(): #点击登录按钮 # 第一种方式(latin1编码) ## username = bottle.request.GET.get('username','').strip() # 用户名 ## password = bottle.request.GET.get('password','').strip() # 密码 #第二种方式(获取username\password)(latin1编码) getValue = bottle.request.query_string ## username = bottle.request.query['username'] # An utf8 string provisionally decoded as ISO-8859-1 by the server ## password = bottle.request.query['password'] # 注:ISO-8859-1(即aka latin1编码) #第三种方式(获取UTF-8编码) username = bottle.request.query.username # The same string correctly re-encoded as utf8 by bottle password = bottle.request.query.password # The same string correctly re-encoded as utf8 by bottle print('getValue= '+getValue, '\r\nusername= '+username, '\r\npassword= '+password) # test if check_login(username, password): return "

Your login information was correct.

" else: return "

Login failed.

" else: return '''
Username: Password:
''''localhost', port=8083) 这里注意说一下Bottle编码的问题,只有第三种方式会将我们输入的字符如果是UTF-8重新编码为UTF-8,当你的内容里有中文或其他非英文字符时,这种方式就显的尤为重要。 运行效果如下: 2、POST方式: # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- #!/usr/bin/python # filename: # codedtime: 2014-9-20 19:07:04 import bottle def check_login(username, password): if username == '123' and password == '234': return True else: return False @bottle.route('/login') def login(): return '''
Username: Password:
''' @bottle.route('/login', method='POST') def do_login(): # 第一种方式 # username = request.forms.get('username') # password = request.forms.get('password') #第二种方式 postValue = bottle.request.POST.decode('utf-8') username = bottle.request.POST.get('username') password = bottle.request.POST.get('password') if check_login(username, password): return "

Your login information was correct.

" else: return "

Login failed.

"'localhost', port=8083) 登录网站、提交文章、评论等我们一般都会用POST方式而非GET方式,那么类似于第二种方式的编码就很用用处,能够正确的处理我们在Form中提交的内容。而第一种则可能会出现传说中的乱码问题,谨记!!!