PR值查询代码制作 复制代码 代码如下:<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"%> Google PR值查询程序

输入网址,查询Google PageRank值


<% if trim(Request.QueryString("act"))="ok" then domain=trim(Request.Form("domain")) if domain<>"" then Response.Write(""&domain&" 的Google PageRank值为"&getPr(domain)&"") end if end if Function getPr(domain) getContent=GetURL(""&domain) getPrLine=RegExpText(getContent,"在Google PageRank满分10分评价中获得.*(\\d).*分") getPr=RegExpText(getPrLine,"\\s\\d\\s") End Function Function bstr(vIn) Dim strReturn,i,ThisCharCode,innerCode,Hight8,Low8,NextCharCode strReturn = "" For i = 1 To LenB(vIn) ThisCharCode = AscB(MidB(vIn,i,1)) If ThisCharCode < &H80 Then strReturn = strReturn & Chr(ThisCharCode) Else NextCharCode = AscB(MidB(vIn,i+1,1)) strReturn = strReturn & Chr(CLng(ThisCharCode) * &H100 + CInt(NextCharCode)) i = i + 1 End If Next bstr = strReturn End Function Function GetURL(url) Set Retrieval = Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") With Retrieval .Open "GET", url, false .setRequestHeader "Content-Type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded" .Send GetURL = .ResponseBody End With Set Retrieval = Nothing GetURL=bstr(GetURL) End Function Function RegExpText(strng,regStr) 'Dim regEx, Match, Matches ' 建立变量。 Set regEx = New RegExp ' 建立正则表达式。 regEx.Pattern = regStr ' 设置模式。 regEx.IgnoreCase = True ' 设置是否区分字符大小写。 regEx.Global = True ' 设置全局可用性。 Set Matches = regEx.Execute(strng) ' 执行搜索。 For Each Match in Matches ' 遍历匹配集合。 RetStr = RetStr & Match.value'&"|||" Next RegExpText = RetStr set regEx=nothing End Function %>