Python操作Excel插入删除行的方法 1. 前言 由于近期有任务需要,要写一个能够处理Excel的脚本,实现的功能是,在A表格上其中一列,对字符串进行分组和排序,然后根据排序好的A表格以固定格式自动填写到B表格上。 开始写脚本之前查了很多资料,最开始采用了openpyxl这个模块,用起来很顺手,使用这个对A表格其中一列进行了重新填写,但是后来发现,需要用到删除和插入空白行的操作,使用openpyxl比较困难,这个模块仅支持在表格的最后一行继续添加新行,不支持在中间插入和删除行。 在查找的过程中发现,网上流传了一些使用openpyxl进行插入删除行的操作,现整理一下。 2. 使用openpyxl 一种思路是将sheet数据转换成list,然后在list进行操作,这种方法可行,但是实际测试之后发现运行起来速度太慢了,数据1000多条,时间就已经等不起了。 # Creat insert row function group---------------------------------------------- def blankRowInsert(sheet, row_num, add_num): myList = Sheet2List(sheet) insertLine(myList, row_num, add_num, sheet.max_column) List2Sheet(sheet,myList) def Sheet2List(sheet): # 把一个表格中的数据全部导出到一个列表 listResult = [] for i in range(1,sheet.max_row + 1): lineData = [] for j in range(1,sheet.max_column +1): cell = sheet.cell(row = i, column = j) lineData.append(cell.value) listResult.append(lineData) return listResult def insertLine(aList, row_num , add_num, maxColumn): # 对列表进行添加操作操作 for _ in range(1,add_num + 1): # ['']*N是创建一个个数为N的空格列表,插入列表aList aList.insert(row_num, [''] * maxColumn) def List2Sheet(sheet,list): # 把数据写回sheet for i in range(1, len(list) + 1): for j in range(1, len(list[0]) + 1): cell = sheet.cell(row=i, column=j) cell.value = list[i-1][j-1] # End of insert row function group--------------------------------------------- 另外一种思路是直接自己给openpyxl这个轮子补胎,添加一个新的方法,笔者没有试验,下面的代码是StackOverflow相关问题上面贴的,如果各位有兴趣可以自己尝试。 def insert_rows(self, row_idx, cnt, above=False, copy_style=True, fill_formulae=True): """Inserts new (empty) rows into worksheet at specified row index. :param row_idx: Row index specifying where to insert new rows. :param cnt: Number of rows to insert. :param above: Set True to insert rows above specified row index. :param copy_style: Set True if new rows should copy style of immediately above row. :param fill_formulae: Set True if new rows should take on formula from immediately above row, filled with references new to rows. Usage: * insert_rows(2, 10, above=True, copy_style=False) """ CELL_RE = re.compile("(?P\$?[A-Z]+)(?P\$?\d+)") row_idx = row_idx - 1 if above else row_idx def replace(m): row ='row') prefix = "$" if row.find("$") != -1 else "" row = int(row.replace("$","")) row += cnt if row > row_idx else 0 return'col') + prefix + str(row) # First, we shift all cells down cnt rows... old_cells = set() old_fas = set() new_cells = dict() new_fas = dict() for c in self._cells.values(): old_coor = c.coordinate # Shift all references to anything below row_idx if c.data_type == Cell.TYPE_FORMULA: c.value = CELL_RE.sub( replace, c.value ) # Here, we need to properly update the formula references to reflect new row indices if old_coor in self.formula_attributes and 'ref' in self.formula_attributes[old_coor]: self.formula_attributes[old_coor]['ref'] = CELL_RE.sub( replace, self.formula_attributes[old_coor]['ref'] ) # Do the magic to set up our actual shift if c.row > row_idx: old_coor = c.coordinate old_cells.add((c.row,c.col_idx)) c.row += cnt new_cells[(c.row,c.col_idx)] = c if old_coor in self.formula_attributes: old_fas.add(old_coor) fa = self.formula_attributes[old_coor].copy() new_fas[c.coordinate] = fa for coor in old_cells: del self._cells[coor] self._cells.update(new_cells) for fa in old_fas: del self.formula_attributes[fa] self.formula_attributes.update(new_fas) # Next, we need to shift all the Row Dimensions below our new rows down by cnt... for row in range(len(self.row_dimensions)-1+cnt,row_idx+cnt,-1): new_rd = copy.copy(self.row_dimensions[row-cnt]) new_rd.index = row self.row_dimensions[row] = new_rd del self.row_dimensions[row-cnt] # Now, create our new rows, with all the pretty cells row_idx += 1 for row in range(row_idx,row_idx+cnt): # Create a Row Dimension for our new row new_rd = copy.copy(self.row_dimensions[row-1]) new_rd.index = row self.row_dimensions[row] = new_rd for col in range(1,self.max_column): col = get_column_letter(col) cell = self.cell('%s%d'%(col,row)) cell.value = None source = self.cell('%s%d'%(col,row-1)) if copy_style: cell.number_format = source.number_format cell.font = source.font.copy() cell.alignment = source.alignment.copy() cell.border = source.border.copy() cell.fill = source.fill.copy() if fill_formulae and source.data_type == Cell.TYPE_FORMULA: s_coor = source.coordinate if s_coor in self.formula_attributes and 'ref' not in self.formula_attributes[s_coor]: fa = self.formula_attributes[s_coor].copy() self.formula_attributes[cell.coordinate] = fa # print("Copying formula from cell %s%d to %s%d"%(col,row-1,col,row)) cell.value = re.sub( "(\$?[A-Z]{1,3}\$?)%d"%(row - 1), lambda m: + str(row), source.value ) cell.data_type = Cell.TYPE_FORMULA # Check for Merged Cell Ranges that need to be expanded to contain new cells for cr_idx, cr in enumerate(self.merged_cell_ranges): self.merged_cell_ranges[cr_idx] = CELL_RE.sub( replace, cr ) # Use way: # Worksheet.insert_rows = insert_rows 3. 使用xlwings 进行一些列尝试和折腾之后,笔者放弃了使用openpyxl操作Excel插入和删除行了,到网上寻觅,发现了xlwings这个轮子,说明里写有api能够调用VBA的函数,这就很炫酷了,然后翻了翻文档,决定使用这个轮子操作,现贴出来笔者写的几段代码作为使用方法示范。 3.1. 删除行: range.api.EntireRow.Delete() # Delete origin row temp_del = 0 if len(delete_list) > 0: for delete_row in delete_list: # Report schedule print("Have alerady done: " + \ str((temp_del*100)//delete_num) + "%") # Delete one row wb_sheet.range('A'+str(delete_row-temp_del)).api.EntireRow.Delete() temp_del = temp_del + 1 上面这段代码使用了一些小技巧,delete_list储存的是原表格中,需要删除的行号,在删除过程中由于总行数也在跟着减少,所以需要把绝对行号转成相对行号进行标记删除,这个转换就是temp_del变量的使用目的。 3.2. 插入行: sheet.api.Rows(row_number).Insert() if key_word == sheet.range('A'+str(i_row+1)).value: # Insert new line sheet.api.Rows(i_row+2).Insert() 需要注意的是,这个VBA函数是向上插入空行,并且xlwings这个轮子只能在windows和macos的系统下使用,暂时不支持Linux。不过xlwings运行速度要远超过openpyxl,而且还能直接调用VBA的函数,对于WPS和Excel都能兼容,综合来看,还是选择xlwings比较好一些。 以上这篇Python操作Excel插入删除行的方法就是小编分享给大家的全部内容了,希望能给大家一个参考,也希望大家多多支持中文源码网。