









来源:中文源码网    浏览:124 次    日期:2024-05-16 12:39:13
【下载文档:  使用Python的Twisted框架编写非阻塞程序的代码示例.txt 】

# ~*~ Twisted - A Python tale ~*~
from time import sleep
# Hello, I'm a developer and I mainly setup Wordpress.
def install_wordpress(customer):
# Our hosting company Threads Ltd. is bad. I start installation and...
print "Start installation for", customer
# ...then wait till the installation finishes successfully. It is
# boring and I'm spending most of my time waiting while consuming
# resources (memory and some CPU cycles). It's because the process
# is *blocking*.
print "All done for", customer
# I do this all day long for our customers
def developer_day(customers):
for customer in customers:
developer_day(["Bill", "Elon", "Steve", "Mark"])
$ ./ 1
------ Running example 1 ------
Start installation for Bill
All done for Bill
Start installation
* Elapsed time: 12.03 seconds
import threading
# The company grew. We now have many customers and I can't handle the
# workload. We are now 5 developers doing exactly the same thing.
def developers_day(customers):
# But we now have to synchronize... a.k.a. bureaucracy
lock = threading.Lock()
def dev_day(id):
print "Goodmorning from developer", id
# Yuck - I hate locks...
while customers:
customer = customers.pop(0)
# My Python is less readable
print "Bye from developer", id
# We go to work in the morning
devs = [threading.Thread(target=dev_day, args=(i,)) for i in range(5)]
[dev.start() for dev in devs]
# We leave for the evening
[dev.join() for dev in devs]
# We now get more done in the same time but our dev process got more
# complex. As we grew we spend more time managing queues than doing dev
# work. We even had occasional deadlocks when processes got extremely
# complex. The fact is that we are still mostly pressing buttons and
# waiting but now we also spend some time in meetings.
developers_day(["Customer %d" % i for i in xrange(15)])
$ ./ 2
------ Running example 2 ------
Goodmorning from developer 0Goodmorning from developer
1Start installation forGoodmorning from developer 2
Goodmorning from developer 3Customer 0
from developerCustomer 13 3Bye from developer 2
* Elapsed time: 9.02 seconds
# For years we thought this was all there was... We kept hiring more
# developers, more managers and buying servers. We were trying harder
# optimising processes and fire-fighting while getting mediocre
# performance in return. Till luckily one day our hosting
# company decided to increase their fees and we decided to
# switch to Twisted Ltd.!
from twisted.internet import reactor
from twisted.internet import defer
from twisted.internet import task
# Twisted has a slightly different approach
def schedule_install(customer):
# They are calling us back when a Wordpress installation completes.
# They connected the caller recognition system with our CRM and
# we know exactly what a call is about and what has to be done next.
# We now design processes of what has to happen on certain events.
def schedule_install_wordpress():
def on_done():
print "Callback: Finished installation for", customer
print "Scheduling: Installation for", customer
return task.deferLater(reactor, 3, on_done)
def all_done(_):
print "All done for", customer
# For each customer, we schedule these processes on the CRM
# and that
# is all our chief-Twisted developer has to do
d = schedule_install_wordpress()
return d
# Yes, we don't need many developers anymore or any synchronization.
# ~~ Super-powered Twisted developer ~~
def twisted_developer_day(customers):
print "Goodmorning from Twisted developer"
# Here's what has to be done today
work = [schedule_install(customer) for customer in customers]
# Turn off the lights when done
join = defer.DeferredList(work)
join.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
print "Bye from Twisted developer!"
# Even his day is particularly short!
twisted_developer_day(["Customer %d" % i for i in xrange(15)])
# Reactor, our secretary uses the CRM and follows-up on events!
------ Running example 3 ------
Goodmorning from Twisted developer
Scheduling: Installation for Customer 0
Scheduling: Installation for Customer 14
Bye from Twisted developer!
Callback: Finished installation for Customer 0
All done for Customer 0
Callback: Finished installation for Customer 1
All done for Customer 1
All done for Customer 14
* Elapsed time: 3.18 seconds
另一个很重要的一点是输出中的Goodmorning from Twisted developer和Bye from Twisted developer!信息。在代码开始执行时就已经打印出了这两条信息。如果代码如此早地执行到了这个地方,那么我们的应用真正开始运行是在什么时候呢?答案是,对于一个Twisted应用(包括Scrapy)来说是在里运行的。在调用这个方法之前,必须把应用中可能用到的每个Deferred链准备就绪,然后方法会监视并激活回调函数。
# Twisted gave us utilities that make our code way more readable!
def inline_install(customer):
print "Scheduling: Installation for", customer
yield task.deferLater(reactor, 3, lambda: None)
print "Callback: Finished installation for", customer
print "All done for", customer
def twisted_developer_day(customers):
... same as previously but using inline_install() instead of schedule_install()
twisted_developer_day(["Customer %d" % i for i in xrange(15)])
现在唯一的问题是,如果我们不止有15个消费者,而是有,比如10000个消费者时又该怎样?这段代码会同时开始10000个同时执行的序列(比如HTTP请求、数据库的写操作等等)。这样做可能没什么问题,但也可能会产生各种失败。在有巨大并发请求的应用中,例如Scrapy,我们经常需要把并发的数量限制到一个可以接受的程度上。在下面的一个例子中,我们使用task.Cooperator()来完成这样的功能。Scrapy在它的Item Pipeline中也使用了相同的机制来限制并发的数目(即CONCURRENT_ITEMS设置):
def inline_install(customer):
... same as above
# The new "problem" is that we have to manage all this concurrency to
# avoid causing problems to others, but this is a nice problem to have.
def twisted_developer_day(customers):
print "Goodmorning from Twisted developer"
work = (inline_install(customer) for customer in customers)
# We use the Cooperator mechanism to make the secretary not
# service more than 5 customers simultaneously.
coop = task.Cooperator()
join = defer.DeferredList([coop.coiterate(work) for i in xrange(5)])
join.addCallback(lambda _: reactor.stop())
print "Bye from Twisted developer!"
twisted_developer_day(["Customer %d" % i for i in xrange(15)])
# We are now more lean than ever, our customers happy, our hosting
# bills ridiculously low and our performance stellar.
# ~*~ THE END ~*~
$ ./ 5
------ Running example 5 ------
Goodmorning from Twisted developer
Bye from Twisted developer!
Scheduling: Installation for Customer 0
Callback: Finished installation for Customer 4
All done for Customer 4
Scheduling: Installation for Customer 5
Callback: Finished installation for Customer 14
All done for Customer 14
* Elapsed time: 9.19 seconds
wisted的defer.Deferred (from twisted.internet import defer)可以返回一个deferred对象.
twisted的deferToThread(from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread)也返回一个deferred对象,不过回调函数在另一个线程处理,主要用于数据库/文件读取操作
# 代码片段
def dataReceived(self, data):
now = int(time.time())
for ftype, data in self.fpcodec.feed(data):
if ftype == 'oob':
self.msg('OOB:', repr(data))
elif ftype == 0x81: # 对服务器请求的心跳应答(这个是解析 防疲劳驾驶仪,发给gps上位机的,然后上位机发给服务器的)
self.msg('FP.PONG:', repr(data))
self.msg('TODO:', (ftype, data))
d = deferToThread(self.redis.zadd, "beier:fpstat:fps", now, self.devid)
d.addCallback(self._doResult, extra)
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from twisted.internet import defer, reactor
from twisted.internet.threads import deferToThread
import functools
import time
# 耗时操作 这是一个同步阻塞函数
def mySleep(timeout):
# 返回值相当于加进了callback里
return 3
def say(result):
print "耗时操作结束了, 并把它返回的结果给我了", result
# 用functools.partial包装一下, 传递参数进去
cb = functools.partial(mySleep, 3)
d = deferToThread(cb)
print "你还没有结束我就执行了, 哈哈"
